Tuesday, March 17, 2009

spring break...

This week is spring break and the boys have been so excited.  They actually have a total of ten days off.  They got the Friday before spring break off because of the parent-teacher conferences in the evenings that week.  Friday they were off the walls with hyperactivity!  We finally had a talk about calming down a bit so that we could have an enjoyable week.

In my last post, I talked about the box tops  competition.  The second graders won, so my son was so excited.  It was super cold the day that they got to have their popsicle party, though, so it was a little bittersweet.

We went to the zoo with one of my sisters and her family yesterday.  The kids all had a lot of fun.  There is an animatronic dinosaur exhibit there that just opened, so they got to see that, too.  My five year old is afraid of dinosaurs so he immediately began crying before seeing anything.  The dinosaurs were supposed to be life-sized, but they definitely were not completely realistic.  They had sounds and they moved, but it was all a little too much for him.  We finally got him to calm down and take a look at everything.  We were all extremely tired by the end of the day, but it was great to spend so much time with family.

Today we are going camping.  We went to Wal-Mart this afternoon to buy a new tent.  The boys are planning on staying in the trailer with their grandparents but we won't all fit in there, so we got a tent.  We went to the pond to set it up just a bit ago.  The boys were really proud of themselves after it was all set up since it was the first time to do that.  They're very excited to go camping and fishing.  I'm glad that they're actually interested in something outside now and not completely obsessed with staying inside and playing video games.  In fact, I think that I'm the one that may have the problem.  I'm so dependent upon my computer and electronics.  I think I may have a problem.

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