Friday, August 12, 2011

the time is now...

Wow!  Since December I've been working on earning a trip through Arbonne, and at the end of May, I did it!  Now, after months of anticipation, we leave for the Bahamas!  It's time!  How exciting!  I've never been to a beach before.  My kids have never been on a plane before (that they remember).  And it's been nine years since we've gone anywhere further than Texas.  It's so surreal!

So, what am I doing up just over two hours from when we're supposed to leave.  Things that I procrastinated at over the past couple of weeks.  Don't get me wrong...I've done a lot to prepare for this trip.  I started packing bags a week ago.  We've secured people to take care of our animals and watch our house.  (Of course, since we're farm headquarters, someone is here all the time anyway.)  It's all the little things that I hadn't done.  Like clean out my purse and pack my carryon bag.  And choose a carryon bag.  :)  Update my ipod and my phone.  Making sure I haven't forgotten anything.  Cleaning up the house so it's not a complete mess when we get back.

When we get back, summer will be officially over in our house.  School starts the day that we come home, so the boys will miss the first day of school, but what's better than a first day of school picture in the Bahamas?  I can't think of a thing!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

my new friend...the wonton wrapper...

Oh, how I crack myself up.  I talk in one post of how disappointed I am about not writing in my blog and how I'll do better.  Then the next post is seven months later.  I've totally redeemed myself...NOT!  (I'm a child of the 80s/90s, so I can still use that "not" like that, right?)

I won't waste the time trying to catch up.  A lot can happen in seven months time.  So, I'll just jump in as if I haven't been absent.

Here goes:

For those of you that know me, I am not a grand cook.  Often, people think that I'm lying about this, but I'm totally not.  Yes, my mother was an excellent cook and baker, but I did not inherit these genes.  I don't enjoy it, so why try to kindle a love for something that you know you don't?

However, having a home business, two growing boys, and a husband who works nonstop but loves to eat, it's a necessary evil, so I've been trying to find a database of go-to recipes that I can easily make.  One that I found, tried, and loved was from (which has tons of recipes and free fonts, too, like the ones found in my header).  As soon as I saw the picture for mini lasagna cups, I knew I had to try them.  And let me tell you, it was a crowd pleaser!  That is, with the exception of my oldest son who is the pickiest eater in the world, but with a few alterations, I know he'll learn to love them, too.  Of course, to try and fool him into liking them, I called them cheesy sausage wontons.  I know he doesn't like lasagna, and I know he doesn't like hamburger, so I omitted those words.  All was well until his little brother said, "Hey, I thought you said something about having lasagna."  That's all it took to make him stop eating.

After filling up my muffin tins, I decided to experiment with the leftover wonton wrappers.  I had never used them before.  They are my new friend!  In my mini muffin pan, I put the remaining wrappers in the tin and added goodies.  In one group, I added peanut butter and chocolate syrup.  In another, we had butterscotch chips and chocolate syrup.  And the favorite of the night was peanut butter and blackberry jam.  YUM!  Why have I never used these little wonders before?  I can imagine so many possibilities!

How about you?  What do you put in your wonton wrappers?  And do you have a picky eater?  How are you able to please them?