Friday, August 12, 2011

the time is now...

Wow!  Since December I've been working on earning a trip through Arbonne, and at the end of May, I did it!  Now, after months of anticipation, we leave for the Bahamas!  It's time!  How exciting!  I've never been to a beach before.  My kids have never been on a plane before (that they remember).  And it's been nine years since we've gone anywhere further than Texas.  It's so surreal!

So, what am I doing up just over two hours from when we're supposed to leave.  Things that I procrastinated at over the past couple of weeks.  Don't get me wrong...I've done a lot to prepare for this trip.  I started packing bags a week ago.  We've secured people to take care of our animals and watch our house.  (Of course, since we're farm headquarters, someone is here all the time anyway.)  It's all the little things that I hadn't done.  Like clean out my purse and pack my carryon bag.  And choose a carryon bag.  :)  Update my ipod and my phone.  Making sure I haven't forgotten anything.  Cleaning up the house so it's not a complete mess when we get back.

When we get back, summer will be officially over in our house.  School starts the day that we come home, so the boys will miss the first day of school, but what's better than a first day of school picture in the Bahamas?  I can't think of a thing!

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