Thursday, November 6, 2008

a song in my heart

Last night I went to be with a heavy heart, just thinking of all that is happening in our nation right now.  I've continued to tell myself that God has a bigger plan, and I woke up in the middle of the night with a song in my heart, and then as I woke up this morning I was singing it in my head.  It's an old hymn that I grew up singing.  I love the praise and worship songs, but every once in a while, the old hymns will really touch me.  Here it is:

My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus' name.

On Christ, the Solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand,
All other ground is sinking sand.

There are more verses to the song, but these were the ones that were going through my head.  It made so much sense to me and gave me a peace within.  Trusting in God and knowing that I can always put my hope in Him.  He is the way, the truth, and the life.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

cleaning out the clutter

For quite some time now, I've been putting off major chores around the house.  I've never been able to stay on top of the laundry.  Our bedroom is a total wreck, full of the laundry that I haven't had time to put away.  My office is the catch-all place if we're quickly cleaning up for company, so it's full of unnecessary junk.  The back hall is a cluttered mess.  The worst part, though, is my boys' room.  Oh, my goodness!  Not only do they have way too many toys, but they never put them away.  Maybe it's that there's not a specific place where they should put them away.  So, I've decided to tackle that daunting task.  After working on it for most of the morning and into the afternoon, I had to take a break.  I don't think it will ever end!  It seems that the more that I clean, the more of a mess I make.  Does that even make since?  I keep telling myself that it will get worse before it gets better, and it will eventually get better.  I'm trying to get it done before I have to pick them up from school, but I'm quite positive at this point that it won't happen.  My thinking is that it will be much easier to toss out the trash and throw out the toys that they haven't touched in ages without them being around.  I'm trying to get it all organized.  It's quite a task.  I should have taken a before picture just to show for the work that I've done today.  It's always a concern to me that my husband thinks (now that I'm home) that I'm not doing anything all day.  Really, I am.  Okay, so I stopped to write.  I swear; it's not procrastination!  I needed a break.  Don't we all sometimes?  Soon, (and I use the word soon lightly) I'll be finished with the room and be able to tackle the next room.  Hmmm...which one will I work on next?  I should probably focus on the task at hand and just finish it.  I guess that's what I'll do.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

blog title

Laugh clears the mind.  This quote was in my dove chocolate wrapper once.  It stuck with me.  And it's so true.  After a good laugh, you forget the worries that were weighing you down.  You let loose and let those good endorphins take over.  I love to laugh!  My kiddos keep me laughing all the time as does my husband.  I love having someone that I can laugh with.  If they're not around and I need a good laugh, I know I can always pop in a Friends DVD and that will get me going every time.  So, that's my challenge to myself and to you...laugh!  Laugh hard!  A deep belly laugh feels so good!  I know that life is sometimes challenging, but find someone that you can laugh with or find something that makes you laugh, and you'll forget your worries and clear your mind...if even just for a moment.  Besides, it's a good ab workout, too!  :)  With that in mind, I need to go laugh...a lot.