Thursday, September 29, 2011

infomercial addict

I have an addiction to late nights and with that comes late night television.  Now, most of you know that there is next to nothing on tv late at night, except for infomercials.  You know the ones...Call within the next 15 seconds, and we'll double the offer for free!  Well, I am the reason those people stay in business.  Seriously...knife sets, blenders, exercise equipment, videos, eating plans, and now...a bra.  That's right, I bought the ahh bra.

In my defense, I didn't buy it from the television.  It was more of an impulse buy from the As Seen On TV section in the local supercenter.  I saw it sitting there on the top shelf, and it practically jumped into my cart.  Okay...that's a lie.  I carefully looked around to see if anyone was watching, and I nonchalantly reached up to grab the box so I could quickly wheel away and look at the packaging.  It just so happened that the box that I grabbed was in my size, so I threw it in the cart.  When I got home, I quickly took it out of the box, disposed of the evidence, tried it on...and was sorely disappointed.

Perhaps if I were a petite woman with little going on in the chest area, I would think it were fabulous, but I am not that girl.  Nope.  They mention in the informercial that it gives so much support that they can exercise in it.  No way.  It gives shape.  Not so much.  The one positive that I have to say is it's comfortable.  It might be one that I would wear around the house if I have no plans to leave, but to go out in public...I'd rather not.

So, there it opinion.  I need to learn one of these days that just because they say it's the solution to all of your problems on tv, does not make it so once it's in your home.  Ahh well.

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