Sunday, October 31, 2010

tuckered out...

After constant Halloween celebrations since Wednesday, we're officially tuckered out.  As I've said before, we really get into Halloween, but I think it was almost too much this year.  Or maybe it was just too much going on and running from one thing to the next.  Jerad was extremely busy running sound on campus all day Saturday and Sunday then coming immediately home both nights to get dressed up and galavant around.  All of our tempers were a bit on edge from one thing or another.  Too much partying?  Too much sugar?  Perhaps.  We normally don't take the kids door to door to trick or treat.  Instead, we hit very particular houses.  Most of them want us to come by so they can see our costumes.  Others, the boys really want to go to.  By the end of the night, we were all ready to get home and get out of costumes.  We are, of course, already talking about what we're going to do next year.  Thank goodness we have a rest until then!

Here's a few pictures:

My little werewolf decided he didn't want to wear a mask because no one knew who we was.  
He preferred the werewolf makeup instead. (So why did I buy the mask? Oh, well!)

I thought Frankenstein looked really creepy here.  :)

And a family picture on Halloween night.  Brickman wore the hat because we ran out of the spray paint for his hair and didn't get the top of his head finished.  I thought the hat went great with it anyway.

And now to rest.  It's just too bad that we have to get up early so the boys can go to school.  I could see myself sleeping in!

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