Friday, March 5, 2010

the lost lost tooth...

Is that a misprint?  Did I accidentally type two losts in the title?  Nope.  It is not by accident.  Brickman lost his tooth...and then he lost it.  He has this thing about taking his lost teeth to school to show all of his friends during their sharing time in the morning.  Now, I understand doing it on the first one, but every subsequent tooth after that?  I really don't think it's necessary.  What is it that makes a tooth so cool after it's out of your mouth anyway?  I have no idea.  Apparently, someone thought it was cool, though.  Brickman showed all of his friends his lost tooth and also the new tooth keeper necklace that Nammie and Bumpa brought over the night before.  He put it in his backpack in his locker to bring back home for the tooth fairy.  When he got to the circle drive to come home, his tooth was no where to be found.  He ran back to his classroom and told his teacher that it was gone.  They looked everywhere but unfortunately couldn't find it.  I realize that losing your lost tooth isn't that big of a deal, but to a six year old who has only lost two teeth, it was.  He came home upset that the tooth fairy wasn't going to come after he told her to come back after he showed his class his tooth.  His teacher told us that she thought it wasn't a matter of him losing his tooth.  It was a matter of one of his friends helping themselves to the tooth and the cool new necklace.  Poor kiddo learned his lesson.  Despite us telling him not to take it, he did it anyway, and since then we've found out that it is not necessary (which we already knew) but he insisted that it was.  Who knew that a tooth could cause so much drama?

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