Tuesday, November 2, 2010

did you vote?

Today I am thankful that I live in a time and a place where I can vote.  So many people fought for that right, yet so many don't exercise that duty.  Of course, if a person is to go to his/her polling place to cast his/her vote, I certainly hope that he/she takes the time to get educated about the candidates and the issues.  I believe that everyone has the right to their own opinion [even though I may like mine more than yours :)] so I won't tell you that your vote was stupid because of what you voted.  That's something that I see all over the social networking world.  I also believe that you should vote for the best person for the job, not necessarily straight party.  But then again, how can you truly tell who is the best for the job?  The best thing to do is to continue to pray for our leaders, whether they were the ones who we hoped to see put into office or not.  And speaking of elections...here's one other thing I'm thankful for:  no more political mail or phone calls!

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