Yesterday morning, I woke up a bit squished. In the middle of the night, Brickman ended up in the bed which normally happens when he has a bad dream or a sleep walking episode. Our king sized bed is not big enough for the three of us. I'm just glad Braylon sleeps through the night without finding his way to our bed. Anyway, Brickman awoke first and quickly woke me up to tell me how much his tooth was hurting. He had finally developed a loose tooth and has been working on it for a few weeks now. He's been upset that he's the last one in his class to lose a tooth but also extremely scared to lose one. It was time. Each time he took a bite of something, I heard, "Ouch!" Each time another tooth brushed up against it, "Ouch!" I talked to him about pulling it, and although he was hesitant, he wanted me to check. I touched it, and I heard it again. "Ouch!" He started crying, not so much because I had hurt him (I had barely touched the tooth), but more out of fear. He didn't know what to expect. I explained that it would feel better once it was out, so after some convincing, he let me try again. We sat on the floor of his room as I reach into his mouth and tug on his little tooth. Those little suckers can be a bit slippery, but I pulled it enough to make it start bleeding. Terrific! Braylon started yelling that he's bleeding, so Brickman totally freaked out. We jolted up the steps to the bathroom and all he can do is look at himself crying in the mirror while spitting out blood. He finally allowed me one more try, so I grabbed a tissue and took hold. His eyes became wider the more that I pulled, and as the final root of the tooth finally let go, he screamed like a little girl. He went to the sink and watched in the mirror as the blood came pouring out. He finally calmed down when I mentioned a popsicle for breakfast to help stop the bleeding. He couldn't wait to run in and show Jerad the open spot in his mouth. He insisted on taking his tooth to school to show all of his classmates. I let him take it in a plastic baggie and his tooth fairy pillow with instructions that if it's lost, the tooth fairy won't have any reason to come. During the day, he had a poetry reading at the Senior Citizen's Center, so we went to watch him. Half of the time, he had his bottom lip pulled down for everyone to see the missing tooth. He was so proud that he had finally lost one.
Brickman was concerned after school that the tooth fairy wouldn't know that his room had moved. I told him that she probably has some sort of tracking device to find the tooth, so it shouldn't be a problem. Before he went to bed, we put the pillow in the perfect spot, so she would be sure to find it. It's always my concern that the tooth fairy is going to forget about the tooth. Braylon had a tooth waiting in his pillow for a couple of days before the tooth fairy came. She left him a tiny little note that explained that she had been under the weather and hadn't been traveling until she felt well again. You know, she didn't want to spread her germs. This was Brickman's first tooth, so surely the tooth fairy would remember. Right? Okay, maybe not. This morning when he woke up, he asked if he could check his pillow to see if she left any money. Thank goodness he asked! I told him that he probably needed to get dressed first. I quickly ran into the bedroom and whispered to Jerad, "Tooth fairy!" He tells me left pocket. It certainly is a good thing that the tooth fairy's husband carries cash! I rush to the boys' room to find Braylon still sleeping, so while Brickman is doing his bathroom duties, I was able to slip in and solve what could have been a problem without being detected. I think a reminder alarm needs to be set next time. He went to school today a happy camper and five dollars richer. That's right. Five dollars. Yes, it's a bit much, but that's what we do for the first tooth. At least that's the trend that was set with Braylon because the tooth fairy didn't have anything smaller.
Today are the Valentine parties at school, so I'm sure the boys will come home on a sugar high. It's going to be a busy weekend. I have two showers to attend, one wedding and one baby. After that it's the alumni basketball games. Jerad will be playing in the alumni band. He always gets so excited to play his tuba. We'll end it with Valentine's day on Sunday. I don't think we have anything special planned, but we'll see.
Before we took out the tooth.
Is it bad that I took pictures of this? I couldn't help it. He was so dramatic.
Such a good big brother helping him out.
Braylon couldn't help but laugh at the drama, too.
The tooth was out and all was well.