Wednesday, February 3, 2010

update on the resolutions...

I was just looking over the New Year's resolutions that I posted, and I must say, I'm doing pretty good...on most of them anyway.

I have continued to cook at home most days of the week.  I found a meal planner that works great for me, so that's really helped a lot in my planning and shopping.  I organized my cookbooks which has made it easier for me to pull one out and browse the recipes.  I've found that as long as I'm organized about it, cooking isn't so bad.  Did that thought just come out of me?  I'm proud that it's lasted this long.  I've had the plan to cook at home in the past but never had the follow through.  Now, I'm actually doing that!  And after sticking to it for a month now, the fast food in our little town doesn't sound so good anymore.  I don't know if it's from my cooking or from the knowledge that I now have about the nutritional information.  I mean, everyone knows that fast food isn't good for you, but I've ignored it for a long time.  After looking at the nutritional information, I'm disgusted.  Also, beware of those so called healthy foods, like salads, at restaurants.  The amount of sodium in a grilled chicken salad at the golden arches is about two thirds of the daily allowance.  That certainly won't help you lose weight.  Rather it would help you retain water.

Which leads me to my next resolution...weight loss.  I've lost seven pounds so far.  I'm thankful for that but, of course, wish it was more.  I had a bit of an emotional eating binge last week, but I'm back on track now. I need to incorporate exercise.  Running has been on my mind a lot lately.  I know it would be hard to start out, but it would get easier the more I did it.

Clearing out the clutter...I've actually done really well with this!  It's amazing how much more clearly I can think when my house isn't completely cluttered!  I've come to the point that I want to get everything organized and de-cluttered.  Jerad and I both cleaned out our closets and got rid of a lot of clothes.  Well, Jerad has given his away, but mine are still sitting in black bags in the closet.  I'm hoping to take them away tomorrow.  The boys' closets have been cleaned, as well.  Their clothes have been sorted but not given away yet.  I took some to the second hand children's shop in town and got $26 for about 20 shirts. That's much better than I would do at a garage sale.

In addition to cleaning out the clutter, we moved the furniture from a couple of rooms around.  We're planning to get a new dining room table to go with our new arrangement.  At the end of the evening of moving things around, Brickman told me he couldn't remember where the bathroom was.  He claimed that we had moved things so much that he felt backwards.  Silly boy!

Lastly, three Arbonne related calls per day...I haven't done so great on this.  I definitely need to work on this, as my business is very important to me.  I feel that everything else is on track, so this will now be my focus.  If I want to move up in management (which I do), I've got to make this a priority.

Overall, though, I don't think I've done too bad on the resolutions.  I've made it a month, which is further than I make it most years.  I just have to be conscious as we get closer to Valentine's Day.  That one always derails me on my weight loss endeavors.  Okay, so maybe it's not the day itself but the chocolate surrounding it.  I'm determined!  I will continue to change for the positive!

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